Assoc Test

Alliances and Councils


What is the most valuable benefit offered to hour nonprofit member organizations? Is that benefit equally valuable to all — no matter their size?  The MaxCI Assessment Tool™ is a powerful and comprehensive organizational health assessment that will benefit each and every member.

Coequally, you and your board of directors will benefit by its use.

The MaxCI Assessment© benefits to your members… and to your organization: 

  • Gives a competitive edge in raising funds and attracting effective board members
  • Levels the grant award playing field by using organizational comparative scoring (ipsative), i.e., smaller organizations can compete with major institutions
  • Provides an independent and third party assessment
  • Consists of a metric-based, confidential assessment of 9 core areas
  • Results in tailored and transformative recommendations to reach one's potential
  • Supports long-term strategic planning for board growth and success with data-driven decisions
  • Delivers a method to track growth and continued competencies year after year
  • Attracts new members, convinces organizations to renew – or to reestablish – their membership.

To learn the Assessment's use and functionality, and how this one-of-a-kind assessment with an inherent growth model and cutting-edge scoring will benefit your members and you, contact MaxCITM Click Here

Professional, Trade Associations, and Certifications

Do you know where your organization stands compared to its potential?  Do you know where your efforts can have more impact in reaching that potential?

The MaxCI Assessment Tool™ is a metrics-based, confidential assessment of 9 core areas that:

  • Supports long term strategic planning to drive board growth and success
  • Provides independent, third party assessment
  • Measures your organizational health and maturity compared to its potential
  • Provides tailored recommendations to reach your potential
  • Helps your board and leadership make data-driven decisions based on accurate results
  • Delivers a method to track your growth and continued competencies year after year.

​To learn its use and functionality, please email our strategic partner: Sutton Enterprises Inc.



Contact MaxCITM   Click Here

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